The Dilemma of Pattern writing

I’m not sure if it’s only me, but I find reading patterns in a language other than my mother tongue very difficult. I think one of the reasons might be that I don’t understand the terminology used. It also doesn’t help that with some patterns it’s quite hard to find explanations for the abbreviations they use.  And then, I find that the explanation quite often confuses me more than it should!

In my patterns I try to keep things as simple as possible so as not to frustrate the person trying to recreate my designs. Therefore, some of my patterns are longer than others as I am explaining things step by step and never assuming that people will magically know what I am intending to achieve. This might be frustrating for some and if this is you, you probably won’t like my patterns… 😉 but to me this means that hopefully even a beginner to this art, might be brave enough to tackle a more complicated design and will end up with a great result.

I am aware that even though I try my hardest to keep things as simple as possible, there will still be some of you who will find my explanations confusing. If this is the case, please email me and let me know the parts you are struggling with so I can work on this and finetune it even more!


Socks, Socks, Socks